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Enclosure 1.41
** Enclosure is now completely free of charge-Enjoy! **NEW FEATURE:Your wall designs and defense layouts can be uploaded andsharedwith friends if you survive the attack wave, so that they maytryto improve your design. The results (highscore) is trackedbyOpenFeint.DESCRIPTION:Enclosure is a twist on the classic Tower Defense game inwhichyou not only place guns, but also build walls and doors tokeep theattackers at bay.Enemies come from all sides and have several potentialexitpoints, all of which must be protected using a combination offorcefields and heavy weaponry.The force fields are shaped into passages, rooms andobstacles,to slow the attackers down long enough for the weapons tokillthem.REVIEWS: you have an issue with the game, then PLEASE send me ane-mailbefore showering me with 1-star ratings and angry comments -Ireally try to make it work on all devices, but there are somany,and they all have their own little quirks. I quite simplycan'ttest on all of them.If you're concerned with specific aspects of the actualgame,then also please do drop me a note - I can't improve if Idon'tknow what the problem is ;).Oh, and finally, if you actually like the game: DON'T BESHY!Please, good ratings are the only way to stand out form thelargeamount of spam on Android Market.STORYYour world is suffering from an alien infestation. Thealiensslip through naturally occurring worm holes on the surface oftheirhome planet, to randomly appear behind your orbitaldefensesystem.In order to protect its citizens, your government has begunacampaign to seal off the wormholes on the alien planet.Unfortunately, the alien life-form is capable of destroyingtheenclosures so heavy weaponry is required to protect them.Further,recent reports suggest that the aliens are getting smarterand thattheir numbers are increasing, requiring more elaboratedesigns toward off the aliens long enough for the weapons to killthem.Your company has won a contract to build and maintainseveralwormhole enclosures on the alien planet. You must constructtheenclosures and install defense systems during the daytime asthealiens come out at night.Access to the construction site is provided by the ACT -advancedconstruction terminal, which due to the intergalacticdistance isnot able to provide live video but must resort topositional datafrom short range motion scanners installed in theenclosures.
SOAK 1.152
Help Mike and his friends get back at the thugs who soaked hislittle sister. Run through the neighbourhood streets using yourphones gyro controller, scale buildings, surf cars and dodge waterballoons while returning the fire to get to the neighbourhood bosskids. Each boss unlocks a new tougher neighbourhood but also, quiteconveniently, lets you collect coins to upgrade your gear and buypower ups for those tight spots.
Bee Types
BeeTypes is a leadership simulator to train the use ofpsychologicaltypes. The simulator is a powerful method to let youacknowledgeyour own psychological type and how your preferencesguide yourbehavior. Also, it builds your awareness of howdifferentpsychological types react to your behavior. Use BeeTypesin sessionsfacilitated by BeeTypes certified DevelopmentConsultants to learnhow to adapt your leadership style. Achievesustainable and lastingdevelopment with BeeTypes in developmentprocesses together with areport showing your own psychologicalprofile. BeeTypes is set in abeehive. The objective of the hive isto accumulate as much honey aspossible during a honey season.Honey is stored at the top of thehive. Bees feed on bee breadduring a honey season. Bee breadmatures from pollen placed inclean cells and distributed to theworking bees in the hive. Youlead twelve bees that work in thecentral bread department. Theycan each be delegated tasks to cleancells, pour pollen into cleancells or distribute matured bread. Youcan check-in with your beesto see how much capacity they have leftfor solving any of thethree tasks, re-delegate tasks, move them towork in anotherposition or give them a reprimand to make them workfaster. Yourperformance is measured by four KPIs. Productivity isthe quantityof beebread your bees have distributed. Quality is howwell thecells are utilized for bread production. Integration is howwellthe utilized cells follow the overall value creation inthebeehive. You can gauge the overall value creation by zooming outtoview the entire beehive. Motivation is the averaged motivationofall twelve bees. Each KPI is calculated as an indexed score onascale from zero to a hundred and shown in four color coded dialsatthe bottom of your screen. The twelve bees are distributedbetweenfour psychological types that are motivated by differentKPIs andleadership styles: (Intuitive & Thinking) NT bees likefrequenttask changes and are stimulated by high Integration andhighProductivity scores (Intuitive & Feeling) NF bees likefrequenttask changes, frequent check-ins and are stimulated byhighIntegration and high Motivation scores (Sensing & Thinking)STbees like to be moved to new positions and are stimulated byhighQuality and high Productivity scores (Sensing & Feeling)SFbees like to be moved to new positions, frequent check-ins andarestimulated by high Quality and high Motivation scores Afullsimulation lasting 50 minutes represents a honey seasonanddevelops over ten cycles each lasting five minutes. You startacycle by delegating tasks and move the bees around beforesettingthe bees in motion by pressing “GO”. You can interact withthe beesany time while they work. The simulation pauses each minutefor youto re-consider tactics and make changes before re-starting.A bee’smotivation can be interpreted by the color of its face,bodylanguage and energy level. KPIs are continuously updatedanddisplayed in the dials at the bottom of the screen. Your KPIscoreis displayed at the end of each cycle. You can gauge eachbee’smotivation and remaining capacity for executing any of thethreetasks. Bees will automatically receive a star and be promotedwhenthey have used up their capacity for executing all three tasks.Anybee can be dismissed at your discretion. Promoted anddismissedbees are replaced before the beginning of a new cycle.Your KPIperformance for each game cycle as well as an Overall Scoreisdisplayed in the Scoreboard. The Overall Score is calculated as50per cent Productivity, 20 per cent Quality, 20 per centIntegrationand 10 per cent Motivation. To learn how to playBeeTypesvisit